きつねのトンプソン / Thompson the fox



メンバーは木琴 小山理恵、バンジョー 小寺拓実、ベース 手島昭英、ドラム 吉島智仁。


これまでの主な出演イベントは、カーネギーホール主催family day(2018&2020年)、朝霧Bluegrass Pickin Party(2019年)、岐阜Mountain Time Festival(2019年)Hyde Park Music Festivalやまそらステージ(2023年)



Thompson the Fox is a contemporary ragtime project which was found in 2016. Members include Rie Koyama on xylophone, Takumi Kodera on banjo, Akihide Teshima on bass, and Tomohito Yoshijima on drums. Each members have different musical backgrounds, Rie coming from the classical fields, Tomohito from Jazz, and Takumi & Akihide from Bluegrass. The result is a unique interpretation of ragtime music with the influence of different genres.

木琴:小山理恵  Rie Koyama 


クラシックから現代音楽の奏法をマリンバで学び、2012年より卓上木琴を始める。以後、おそらく日本で唯一の卓上木琴奏者として日々研究、研鑽を積む。 主な活動中のバンドは、オドラータ、きつねのトンプソン。




現在、使用楽器は福井県こおろぎ社のMX32R、アメリカDEAGAN社のdrummer's special 844。

 learned classic and contemporary music based on the marimba and started playing the tiny desktop xylophone in 2012.

Since then, she has been as probably the only tiny xylophone player in Japan.

Rie is also a composer for tiny xylophones and released her album "a cleaver inchworm" all music played by tiny korogi xylophones ,in 2020. 

Rie has studied xylophone and marimba with Yoshihisa Mizuno.

Her favorite xylophones are MX32R by korogi Japan and drummer's special 844 by deagan US.


●バンジョー:小寺拓実  Takumi Kodera


 「若き5弦バンジョーの達人、小寺拓実には大きな期待を寄せている。彼が高校生の頃、ピアノ・レッスンを続けながらも沸々とバンジョーへの意欲を滾らせていると知った。気がつけば大学在学中には、アメリカの若手登竜門であるAcoustic Music Seminarで世界の同世代スーパーピッカーと丁々発止にコミュニケートできるワールドクラスな奏者となっていた。2018年には全米バンジョーコンテストで準優勝を果たした拓実。彼の世界への挑戦は今始まったばかりだ。」 - 有田純弘(洗足学園音楽大学講師 / 1985年全米バンジョーチャンピオン)

Takumi Kodera is a Tokyo-based 5string banjo player for Thompson the Fox. 2018 National Banjo Championship runner-up. "He started to play banjo at the age of 11, and has been involved in a number of musical projects through his teens, playing music that ranges from pop standards, to impeccable Bach transcriptions, to innovative new acoustic originals." - Freshgrass Festival "Takumi is able to surprise and delight listeners with his virtuosic creativity while never losing the banjo drive reminiscent of the early masters. His intuitive understanding of Bluegrass, Jazz, and Classical music allows him to reference them all while still sounding uniquely like himself. It is no surprise that his original compositions allow him to traverse these genres and meld them together in beautiful ways." - BB Bowness (Mile Twelve)


●コントラバス:手島昭英  Akihide Teshima


大学在学中にコントラバスを始める。数々のバンド活動を経て、1970年代後半、Swing JazzやFolkの曲を中心に演奏する「'Merican Jap Swing Band」でツアーに参加する。その後、ブルーグラスのフィールドを中心に演奏活動を行う。The Blueside ofLonesomeというバンドでアメリカのBluegrass Festivalに何度も参加し、CDも数枚レコーディングしている。


Born in Tokyo. He has been familiar with different genres of music since he was a child.

He started playing double bass while in college. After a number of band activities, in the late 1970s, he toured with the “’Merican Jap Swing Band”, which mainly played Swing Jazz and Folk Music. After that, he has been playing mainly in the Bluegrass field. He joined Bluegrass Festival in US with the band named “The Blueside of Lonesome” many times and recorded several CDs.

He has a wide and deep knowledge of other American roots music, and engages in cross-genre musical activities.

●ドラム:吉島 智仁  Tomohito Yoshijima




ピアノトリオ"SKY TRIO"、ラグタイム カルテット"Thompson the Fox"は国内外問わず高い評価を得ている。


Tomohito Yoshijima is a drummer, a sound engineer, and a composer.

He plays drums based on jazz, but not only jazz.

He is influenced by many kinds of music, so his style is not able to be identfied.

He is good at playing with soft and non-musical sounds, and using many kinds of grooves properly.

It's called "the explorer of sounds".
